Elisa Total Aflatoxin Test

Total Aflatoxin Rapid Test Kit

abx092054-100l 100 µl
EUR 175

Aflatoxin Elisa Laboratories manufactures the elisa total aflatoxin test reagents distributed by Genprice. The Elisa Total Aflatoxin Test reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact aflatoxin elisa. Other Elisa products are available in stock. Specificity: Elisa Category: Total Group: Aflatoxin Test

Total Aflatoxin ELISA Kit

96 tests
EUR 792

Total Aflatoxin ELISA Kit

EUR 160
Description: cereal(wheat, corn, bean, sorghum, etc)

Total Aflatoxin ELISA Kit

EUR 744

Total Aflatoxin ELISA Kit

1 x 96-well
EUR 425

Aflatoxin M1 ELISA test kit

96 well/kit Ask for price

Total Aflatoxin (AF) ELISA Kit

100 µg
EUR 562.5

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

EUR 345
Description: 0.02-1.62 ppb

Aflatoxin Test information

Total Aflatoxin, AFT ELISA Kit

MBS707301-24StripWellsLIMIT1 24-Strip-Wells(LIMIT1)
EUR 275

Total Aflatoxin, AFT ELISA Kit

MBS707301-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 545

Total Aflatoxin, AFT ELISA Kit

MBS707301-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Total Aflatoxins rapid test strips

LSY-20007 50 test/kit96 test/kit Ask for price

Aflatoxin total

EUR 246

Human Total aflatoxin ELISA Kit

QY-E05612 96T
EUR 400

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

AE81041SF-48T 48T
EUR 345
Description: 0.02-1.62 ppb

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

AE81041SF-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 325
Description: Food Safety

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

AE81041SF-96T 96T
EUR 610
Description: 0.02-1.62 ppb

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

AE81041SF-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 610
Description: Food Safety

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

EUR 390.4
Description: 0.02-1.62 ppb

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

EUR 558.4
Description: 0.02-1.62 ppb

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

MBS280128-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6255

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

MBS280128-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 445

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

MBS280128-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3290

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

MBS280128-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 730

Aflatoxin Total (AFT) ELISA Kit

EUR 488
Description: Grain, feed, etc.