Clinical comparison of the recoveries of bloodstream pathogens in Septi-Chek brain heart infusion broth with saponin, Septi-Chek tryptic soy broth, and the isolator lysis-centrifugation system.

The recovery of microorganisms in the Septi-Chek biphasic broth tryptic soy (TSB) and Isolator blood culture system as compared to a recovery in Septi-Chek brain biphasic infusion of heart broth is equipped with an agent saponin lytic (L-BHIB; Roche Diagnostics, a Division of Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.). A total of 5,096 TSB-L-BHIB and 1,778 sets of blood culture-L-BHIB Isolator set is evaluated. There are 435 pathogenic organisms recovered in 413 (8.1%) of culture TSB-L-BHIB, with 348 organisms in TSB and 370 bottles in the bottle L-BHIB (P less than 0.05).

Significantly more isolates of yeast found in the system L-BHIB (P less than 0.01). subculture terminal from L-BHIB system is required to detect 13 clinically significant organisms. Significantly more organisms found in a bottle of L-BHIB compared with Isolator system (P less than 0.001), including Torulopsis glabrata, coagulase-negative staphylococci, and Pseudomonas species. The time required to detect all major groups of organisms are the same in both comparisons.

However, the detection of microbial growth in L-BHIB bottle macroscopic examination required sliding unit to be attached and the use of terminal subcultures after 7 days of incubation. The main advantage of L-BHIB biphasic system when compared to either TSB biphasic system or upgraded Isolator system recovery mushrooms.

Nocardia asteroides GUH-2 is not acid-fast when grown in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth. When grown in BHI broth equipped with paraffin, many filamentous cells showed the acid-fastness after treatment with 1% acid-alcohol as a decolorizing agent. When treated with 3% acid-alcohol, the cells not acid-fast filaments. In addition to acid-fast cell filaments of nocardiae, unknown acid-fast round body was observed in the culture broth BHI paraffin-equipped.

Folic acid supplements are important for brain heart infusion broth for the cultivation and cloning of Leishmania donovani promastigotes.

Propagation of virulent and avirulent Leishmania donovani promastigotes inhibited by brain heart infusion broth (BHI) (3.7%) are equipped with haemolysed or whole blood (2.5-10%) or heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (HIFBS) (10-20 %). Peptone, glutamine, tryptophan, purine bases, ribonucleosides, deoxyribonucleosides, B-vitamins and vitamin C were evaluated for reversal of this growth inhibition.

BHI supplementation with folic acid is further complemented by haemolysed rabbit blood or HIFBS and haemin supported serial propagation in subpassages two primary isolates and 3 more virulent strain of L. donovani and 1 strain of L. major. Folic acid is equipped with a 3% BHI blood of rabbits in solid phase with 0.7% agar colony formation also supports L. donovani. This text documents the development of high efficiency media for cultivation of L. donovani promastigotes in the liquid phase and a colony on agar plates using BHI as a basal medium.


B02-113-2Kg 2 Kg
EUR 366


B02-113-500g 500 g
EUR 142.8

Brain Heart Infusion Broth

HY-157355 Get quote Ask for price
Description: Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI) is suitable for microbiological culture (For example: Anopheles arabiensis).

Brain Heart Infusion Broth - EACH

EUR 124.2

Brain Heart Infusion Broth (Powder)

MBS653157-100g 100g
EUR 175

Brain Heart Infusion Broth (Powder)

MBS653157-1kg 1kg
EUR 565

Brain Heart Infusion Broth (Powder)

MBS653157-500g 500g
EUR 385

Brain Heart Infusion Broth (Powder)

MBS653157-5x1kg 5x1kg
EUR 2445


B02-114-10kg 10 kg
EUR 1532.4


B02-114-2kg 2kg
EUR 380.4


B02-114-500g 500 g
EUR 146.4

Brain Heart Infusion Broth w/o Dextrose (Powder)

MBS652861-100g 100g
EUR 340

Brain Heart Infusion Broth w/o Dextrose (Powder)

MBS652861-1kg 1kg
EUR 835

Brain Heart Infusion Broth w/o Dextrose (Powder)

MBS652861-500g 500g
EUR 570

Brain Heart Infusion Broth w/o Dextrose (Powder)

MBS652861-5x1kg 5x1kg
EUR 3665

Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)

94124 100 Gms
EUR 6.84
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)

94124-1 500 Gms
EUR 27.37
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)

94124-2 5 Kg
EUR 259.14
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion (BHI)Agar - EACH

EUR 113.4


H08-101-10kg 10 kg
EUR 1351.2


H08-101-2Kg 2 Kg
EUR 340.8


H08-101-500g 500 g
EUR 136.8

BHI HiVeg™ w/PABA (Brain Heart Infusion

MV212-500G 1 unit
EUR 45.83
Description: BHI HiVeg™ w/PABA (Brain Heart Infusion

Heart Infusion Broth (HI Broth)

75134 100 Gms
EUR 7.7
Description: Part D

Heart Infusion Broth (HI Broth)

75134-1 500 Gms
EUR 32.5
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified (BHI Agar, Modified)

82856 100 Gms
EUR 7.7
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified (BHI Agar, Modified)

82856-1 500 Gms
EUR 30.79
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified (BHI Agar, Modified)

82856-2 5 Kg
EUR 280.53
Description: Part D

Heart Infusion Broth (Powder)

MBS652800-500g 500g
EUR 435

Heart Infusion Broth (Powder)

MBS652800-5x500g 5x500g
EUR 1800

Brain Heart Infusion w/ 0.1% Agar (BHI w/ 0.1% Agar)

84560 100 Gms
EUR 8.55
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion w/ 0.1% Agar (BHI w/ 0.1% Agar)

84560-1 500 Gms
EUR 30.79
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion w/ PABA and Agar (BHI Agar w/PABA)

26671 100 Gms
EUR 9.41
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion w/ PABA and Agar (BHI Agar w/PABA)

26671-1 500 Gms
EUR 37.63
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion

abx082020-100g 100 g
EUR 276

Brain Heart Infusion

abx082020-100l 100 µl
EUR 237.5

Brain Heart Infusion

abx082020-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

Brain Heart Infusion

abx082020-200l 200 µl Ask for price

Brain Heart Infusion Powder (BHI Powder) BactoBio for bacteriology

64944 500 Gms
EUR 23.95
Description: Part D

Brain Heart Infusion Powder (BHI Powder) BactoBio for bacteriology

64944-1 5 Kg
EUR 224.93
Description: Part D


B02-112-10kg 10 kg
EUR 1496.4


B02-112-2kg 2kg
EUR 372


B02-112-500g 500 g
EUR 145.2

Brain Heart Infusion Agar

HY-157375 Get quote Ask for price
Description: Brain Heart Infusion Agar is growth medium for the cultivation of a wide variety of microorganisms[1].


B02-129-10kg 10 kg
EUR 1203.6


B02-129-2Kg 2 Kg
EUR 308.4


B02-129-500g 500 g
EUR 124.8

Brain-Heart Infusion Broth w/o Dextrose, NaCl (Powder)

MBS652857-100g 100g
EUR 300

Brain-Heart Infusion Broth w/o Dextrose, NaCl (Powder)

MBS652857-1kg 1kg
EUR 1280

Brain-Heart Infusion Broth w/o Dextrose, NaCl (Powder)

MBS652857-500g 500g
EUR 860

Brain-Heart Infusion Broth w/o Dextrose, NaCl (Powder)

MBS652857-5x1kg 5x1kg
EUR 5670

Bacto Brain Heart Infusion - EACH

237500 EACH
EUR 197.1

Brain Heart Infusion Agar (Powder)

MBS653248-100g 100g
EUR 245

Brain Heart Infusion Agar (Powder)

MBS653248-1kg 1kg
EUR 925

Brain Heart Infusion Agar (Powder)

MBS653248-500g 500g
EUR 570

Brain Heart Infusion Agar (Powder)

MBS653248-5x1kg 5x1kg
EUR 4070

V Infusion Broth (Veal Infusion Broth)

86771 100 Gms
EUR 8.55
Description: Part D

V Infusion Broth (Veal Infusion Broth)

86771-1 500 Gms
EUR 30.79
Description: Part D

Liver Infusion Broth (LI Broth)

96453 100 Gms
EUR 6.84
Description: Part D

Liver Infusion Broth (LI Broth)

96453-1 500 Gms
EUR 24.8
Description: Part D

V Infusion Broth

M329-500G 1 unit
EUR 43.27
Description: V Infusion Broth

Potato Infusion Broth

M1833-500G 1 unit
EUR 40.51
Description: Potato Infusion Broth

Infusion Broth (Powder)

MBS653130-500g 500g
EUR 475

Infusion Broth (Powder)

MBS653130-5x500g 5x500g
EUR 1995


H08-100-10kg 10 kg
EUR 1399.2


H08-100-2kg 2kg
EUR 351.6


H08-100-500g 500 g
EUR 139.2

Beef Heart Infusion

HY-157374 Get quote Ask for price
Description: Beef Heart Infusion is a non-selective microbial culture medium formulation. Beef Heart Infusion provides nutrients for microbial growth. Beef Heart Infusion can be used for the culture, transplantation and rejuvenation of microorganisms.

Brain-Heart Infusion Solids (Powder)

MBS653073-500g 500g
EUR 370

Brain-Heart Infusion Solids (Powder)

MBS653073-5x500g 5x500g
EUR 1510

Heart Infusion Agar (Powder)

MBS653006-500g 500g
EUR 415

Heart Infusion Agar (Powder)

MBS653006-5x500g 5x500g
EUR 1710

Heart Infusion Agar (HI Agar)

47704 100 Gms
EUR 8.55
Description: Part D

Heart Infusion Agar (HI Agar)

47704-1 500 Gms
EUR 35.92
Description: Part D

Brain Hrt Infusion 100gm - EACH

237400 EACH
EUR 109.35

BHI Agar (Special Infusion Agar)

M211-100G 1 unit
EUR 13.42
Description: BHI Agar (Special Infusion Agar)

BHI Agar (Special Infusion Agar)

M211-500G 1 unit
EUR 33.1
Description: BHI Agar (Special Infusion Agar)

BHI Agar (Special Infusion Agar), Granul

GM211-500G 1 unit
EUR 38.09
Description: BHI Agar (Special Infusion Agar), Granul

Heart Infusion Powder (HI Powder) BactoBio for bacteriology

28551 500 Gms
EUR 19.67
Description: Part D

Heart Infusion Powder (HI Powder) BactoBio for bacteriology

28551-1 2.5 Kg
EUR 88.09
Description: Part D

BHI HiCynth™ Agar ( Special Infusion HiC

MCD211-100G 1 unit
EUR 15.46
Description: BHI HiCynth™ Agar ( Special Infusion HiC

BHI HiCynth™ Agar ( Special Infusion HiC

MCD211-500G 1 unit
EUR 38.09
Description: BHI HiCynth™ Agar ( Special Infusion HiC

Brain Heart Infus 500gm

211065 EACH
EUR 201.78

Brain Heart Infus 500gm - EACH

211059 EACH
EUR 178.2

V Infusion Agar (Veal Infusion Agar)

78604 100 Gms
EUR 11.12
Description: Part D

V Infusion Agar (Veal Infusion Agar)

78604-1 500 Gms
EUR 33.36
Description: Part D

V Infusion Agar

M328-500G 1 unit
EUR 46.08
Description: V Infusion Agar

LM Infusion Agar

M1206-500G 1 unit
EUR 42.8
Description: LM Infusion Agar

HiVeg™ Infusion

RM191V-500G 1 unit
EUR 49.58
Description: HiVeg™ Infusion

HL Infusion Powder

RM022-500G 1 unit
EUR 34.17
Description: HL Infusion Powder

HM Infusion Powder

RM192-500G 1 unit
EUR 34.52
Description: HM Infusion Powder

Potato Infusion Agar

M174-500G 1 unit
EUR 38.38
Description: Potato Infusion Agar


P16-120-10kg 10 kg
EUR 2798.4


P16-120-2kg 2kg
EUR 655.2


P16-120-500g 500 g
EUR 222

Standard Infusion Agar

M883-500G 1 unit
EUR 42.8
Description: Standard Infusion Agar

HiVeg# Special Infusion

RM188V-500G 1 unit
EUR 38.25
Description: HiVeg# Special Infusion

LM Infusion HiVeg Agar

MV1206-500G 1 unit
EUR 42.8
Description: LM Infusion HiVeg Agar

HiVeg™ Infusion No. 1

RM022V-500G 1 unit
EUR 35.37
Description: HiVeg™ Infusion No. 1

HiVeg™ Infusion No. 2

RM192V-500G 1 unit
EUR 35.48
Description: HiVeg™ Infusion No. 2

Potato Infusion HiVeg Agar

MV174-500G 1 unit
EUR 38.38
Description: Potato Infusion HiVeg Agar

Standard Infusion Agar, HiVeg

MV883-500G 1 unit
EUR 42.8
Description: Standard Infusion Agar, HiVeg

Hrt Infusion Agar 500gm - EACH

244400 EACH
EUR 284.85

Liver Infusion Agar (LI Agar)

68861 100 Gms
EUR 7.7
Description: Part D

Liver Infusion Agar (LI Agar)

68861-1 500 Gms
EUR 29.93
Description: Part D

Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

GM073-100G 1 unit
EUR 12.97
Description: Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

GM073-500G 1 unit
EUR 38.09
Description: Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

M073-100G 1 unit
EUR 13.42
Description: Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

M073-500G 1 unit
EUR 33.1
Description: Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)


7574002 1ML
EUR 59.77

Viral Transport Medium Veal Infusion

IGVTMV1000ML each
EUR 141
Description: Viral Transport Medium Veal Infusion

Viral Transport Medium Veal Infusion

IGVTMV500ML each
EUR 81
Description: Viral Transport Medium Veal Infusion

Viral Transport Medium Veal Infusion

MBS136574-1L 1L
EUR 265

Viral Transport Medium Veal Infusion

MBS136574-500mL 500mL
EUR 200

Viral Transport Medium Veal Infusion

MBS136574-5x1L 5x1L
EUR 1055

Blood Agar Base, HiVeg (Infusion Agar,

MV073-100G 1 unit
EUR 13.42
Description: Blood Agar Base, HiVeg (Infusion Agar,

Blood Agar Base, HiVeg (Infusion Agar,

MV073-500G 1 unit
EUR 33.1
Description: Blood Agar Base, HiVeg (Infusion Agar,

Heart Inf Broth 500gm - EACH

238400 EACH
EUR 301.05

Blood HiCynth Agar Base (Infusion HiCynt

MCD073-100G 1 unit
EUR 15.46
Description: Blood HiCynth Agar Base (Infusion HiCynt

Blood HiCynth Agar Base (Infusion HiCynt

MCD073-500G 1 unit
EUR 38.09
Description: Blood HiCynth Agar Base (Infusion HiCynt


7574002-1LTR 1LTR
EUR 111.02

BHI Broth

LQ077-25X5ML 1 unit
EUR 10.75
Description: BHI Broth

BHI Broth

LQ077-50X5ML 1 unit
EUR 16.75
Description: BHI Broth

BHI Broth

LQ077V-25X5ML 1 unit
EUR 11.18
Description: BHI Broth

Four Clostridium perfringens strains recovered from clinical specimens, four strains obtained from specimens feces of healthy adults, and the control strain ATCC 13124 was inoculated into Schaedler and Brain Heart Infusion broth, respectively, and incubated anaerobically at 35 degrees C for 24 hours. The exponential growth phase usually lasts from 2 to 6 hours after inoculation; generation times averaging 23 minutes at 2 to 4 hours and 27 minutes between 4 and 6 hours of incubation. The (generation time between 6 and 8 h = 89 minutes) initial growth phase stationary reached at 8 hours after inoculation. All strains shown are essentially identical in vitro growth rate, although they differ in virulence murine.